Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
annual meeting Archive
Submission Open for AAAS Student E-Poster Competition
The student e-poster competition will take place February 14–15 at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.
AAAS E-Poster Submissions Wanted
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is hosting an e-poster competition for students.
INFORMS Student Paper Prize Applicants Sought
The INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize recognizes papers by promising students who are looking for an academic or industrial career. The award includes a cash prize of $3,000 and a citation certificate.
INFORMS Offers Unpublished Cases Competition
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences will award a prize for the creation, dissemination, and use of new, unpublished cases in operations research and the management sciences.
AAAS Seeks Submissions for Student E-Poster Competition
The American Association for the Advancement of Science invites students to present their work in poster sessions at its annual meeting.