The INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize will be awarded at the INFORMS annual meeting for the most outstanding paper in optimization presented at the meeting or published in a refereed professional journal within the last three calendar years. The prize serves as recognition of promising students who are looking for an academic or industrial career.
The winner(s) will be invited to give a 15-minute presentation in a special session during the annual meeting, which will take place virtually and in person in Anaheim, California, October 24–27. The award includes a cash prize of $3,000 and a citation certificate.
Nominees/applicants must have been a student by January 1 of this year to be eligible. Winners will be responsible for all travel expenses associated with presenting their paper at the INFORMS meeting. Award winners are also asked to contribute an article about their award-winning work to the Optimization Society newsletter. The deadline for nominations/applications is June 1.
The INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize was established in 2006 and is administered by the Optimization Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
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