Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
Job Tr@k
Celebrating Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
To celebrate Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, we highlight four ASA members who have used their statistics skills and imaginations to snag sweet jobs.
Q&A with Industry Leaders
Leaders in industry answer questions to help students and statistics departments better prepare for jobs in the technology sector.
How to Write an Effective Cover Letter and Résumé
Dawn Eash offers tips on getting your cover letter and résumé noticed by a prospective employer.
Applications Sought for ASA Science Policy Fellowships
The ASA is accepting applications for its science policy fellowship.
Student Applications Wanted for ASA/AAAS Mass Media Fellowship
AAAS offers a mass media fellowship for interested students. Applications for this one-of-a-kind experience are being accepted until January 15.
2018 Internships
Many companies are looking for 2018 interns. That list is included here, and additional internships will be posted as received in the education area of the ASA website.
Career Success in the Federal Government
Dionne Price shares her recommendations and explains why you should consider a rewarding career as a government statistician.
2017 Internships
More than 30 companies are looking for interns for 2017. That list is included here, and additional internships will be posted as received on the ASA education website.
Effective Research-Oriented Internships to Foster the Next Generation of Statisticians
Several statisticians from various professional sectors offer valuable advice about seeking and benefiting from internships via vital collaboration across sectors.
The Changing Profile of Statistical Careers
Be sure to check out this month’s issue of Amstat News, which is devoted to a career in statistics.