Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
scholarship Archive
Applicants Wanted for Fulbright US Student Programs
Successful Fulbright-National Geographic applicants will join the National Geographic Society’s global community of explorers and gain access to resources such as training.
Natrella Scholarship Applications Due March 17
The scholarship will support the participation of two students at the Quality and Productivity Research Conference.
Applications Wanted for Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship
Awarded jointly by the ASA’s Government Statistics and Social Statistics sections, this scholarship encourages promising young statisticians to consider a career in government statistics.
Apply for the Biopharmaceutical Section Scholarship
The American Statistical Association Biopharmaceutical Section offers a $3,000 award for up to five students as part of the ASA awards program. Applications can be submitted until March 15.
Bryant Scholarship Applications Wanted
Applications are being accepted for the Edward C. Bryant Scholarship for an Outstanding Graduate Student in Survey Statistics until March 1. One scholarship recipient is selected annually and receives a certificate and cash prize of $2,500.
ASA Pride Scholarship Nominations Open
The ASA Pride Scholarship was established to raise awareness for and support the success of LGBTQ+ statisticians and data scientists and allies.
Modeling the Future Challenge Targets High-School Students
The Modeling the Future Challenge presents a problem to high-school juniors and seniors and they create a model to solve it.
Pros, Cons, and Neutrals of Graduate School
George Rodriguez offers pros, cons, and neutrals on advanced degrees and ultimately comes down on the side of pursuing additional educational opportunities.
Apply for NCTM Grant, Scholarship, or Award to Improve Math Teaching
Apply by May 1 for these grants, which range from $1,500 to $24,000 and aim to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Nominations Wanted for ASA Pride Scholarship
Nominations are being accepted for the ASA Pride Scholarship until March 31.