The Government Statistics Section (GSS) will host a mentoring roundtable at JSM 2019. GSS mentoring is designed to encourage diverse participation and engage young professionals and students who may not normally have access to or interaction with more senior, advanced-career members of the GSS community.
The GSS mentoring session will provide an opportunity for an informal “meet and greet” between GSS mentors and mentees, as well as organized mentor/mentee activities. Exercises—based on a professional mentoring program—will provide small-group, face-to-face time; opportunities for career discussions; and targeted coaching on “professional small talk.”
Students and young professionals within five years of their degree are eligible to apply by June 30.
2019 GSS Mentors
Wendy Martinez
ASA President-Elect
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Barry Nussbaum
ASA Former President
Environmental Protection Agency (Retired)
Stephanie Shipp
Deputy Director and Professor
University of Virginia
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