Each year, Significance and the Young Statisticians Section of the Royal Statistical Society host a competition to promote and encourage top-class writing about statistics.
Entrants must be students or graduates within the first 10 years of their statistics careers. The deadline for this year’s competition is May 29.
Send Significance magazine an article of 1,500 to 2,500 words on the subject of your choosing. The article could be on work that you have done, or it could explain the work of others. The winning article will be published in Significance and on the magazine’s website. Runners-up also will be published online.
Entrants should follow these basic guidelines:
- The article should be interesting, engaging, and easy to read.
- Technical terms and mathematics should be kept to a minimum and explained clearly when used. End references should be limited to five.
- Readers will finish the article knowing more about statistics than they did before.
The finalists will receive a one-day registration to present at the Royal Statistical Society International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, September 4-7.
Email submissions in a text/Word file or as a PDF to significance@rss.org.uk. Make sure to include the entry form.
To read the complete rules and download the entry form, visit Significance online.
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