Biopharmaceutical Section Is Looking for Mentors and Mentees

The Biopharmaceutical Section of the ASA has created a mentoring program based on the mentoring blueprint created by the Committee on Applied Statisticians. In 2014, 34 people participated.

Currently, the section is looking for mentors and mentees for the 2015–2016 mentoring program. Are you interested in becoming a mentor to a statistician and helping fellow biopharmaceutical statisticians? Are you a potential mentee, or can you nominate a statistician who may be looking for a mentorship program? If so, email your contact information to with the subject “Biopharmaceutical Section Mentoring Program.” It would be helpful if you also send a résumé to help us match mentors and mentees.

For additional information, contact Amarjot Kaur at or Jennifer Gauvin at

The section will provide hands-on resources for mentors and mentees to facilitate their interactions. Information related to the mentoring activities and additional resources for mentors and mentees is available on the ASA community.