The Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys is sponsoring two student contests: a data collection contest and an imputation/missing data treatment contest. Details for both contests are available on the conference website.
The International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES) promotes discussion about a broad range of issues related to surveys of businesses, farms, or institutions. ICES features invited and contributed papers and demonstrations from around the globe that highlight new, improved, and upcoming establishment survey methodologies and technologies using census data, administrative data, and sample survey data. Participants come from academia, government statistical agencies, private business, and statistical associations.
The student contests will create interest and innovation in the establishment survey field by inspiring students and the faculty they work with to create and present to the contest committee interesting and challenging applications that test their technical skill and creativity. The winner of each contest will present their research at ICES-V, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, June 20-23, 2016. The registration fee is waived for winners, and the conference will provide airfare (or other transportation costs), a transport card, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses.
Contest participants must be current students at any level or a recent graduate who has held a degree for 15 or fewer months as of June 2016. They may work independently or with a student group; however, travel expenses and registration will only be awarded to one author and the paper must be presented at the conference by one of the student participants. Participants are expected to carry out this assignment autonomously. Contributions from faculty advisers, if any, should be made clear in the report.
Participants must declare their intention to participate before April 30 using the enrollment form available on the conference website. The final report must be submitted by September 30, 2015. Winners will be announced in February 2016.
If you have questions concerning these contests, you may contact
The ICES-V Program Committee
Daniel Assoulin, Swiss Federal Statistical Office
Pierre Lavallée, Statistics Canada
Daniel Lewis, Office for National Statistics (UK)
Darcy Miller, National Agricultural Statistics Service (USA)
Richard Penny, Statistics New Zealand
Polly Phipps, Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) (Chair)
Michael Sinclair, Mathematica Policy Research (USA)
Ger Snijkers, Statistics Netherlands
Katherine Jenny Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
Vanessa Torres van Grinsven, Utrecht University
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