– Boston University ASA Student Chapter
– Highlander Statistics Society, University of California, Riverside
– UCLA Statistics Club
The ASA Student Chapters program is designed to provide opportunities for students to connect with other students interested in statistics and interact with prominent statisticians locally and at national meetings.
There is no cost to start a student chapter at your school, but your student chapter president must be an active member of the ASA. Not already a member? No problem! We’ll give your president a free annual membership. Other members of your chapter may join the ASA for only $17 per year. There are no scholastic requirements, and students need not be statistics majors to join a chapter.
To start an ASA student chapter at your school, or to affiliate your existing student chapter with the ASA, the chapter faculty advisor or chapter president should complete the ASA Student Chapter Application Form (PDF download) and email it to studentchapters@amstat.org.
Can we have student chapter in nigeria?
Dear Phillip:
I believe that is possible. I encourage you to (1) download the ASA Student Chapter Application Form available on STATtrak under “Start a Student Chapter”, (2) ask a faculty member to serve as the advisor to the Student Chapter, (3) identify several students who want to be part of the chapter, especially students willing to serve in leadership positions for the Chapter or help plan meetings/events. Once you have done steps (1)-(3), complete the application and e-mail as directed.
In starting a group, you might that find some students are reluctant to participant unless they know the benefits of participating. Be prepared to describe the benefits to them. Also, they may be more willing to serve in leadership roles or help plan meetings/events, etc. if they believe that they have the time to help. With a team approach, working together, organizing becomes much easier!
I will talk with ASA staff to see if they can find someone, a senior person, who can give additional guidance and answer questions as you go through the exciting process of creating a Student Chapter.
Monica Johnston
Committee on Career Development