Be sure to check out this months issue of Amstat News, the membership magazine of the American Statistical Association. The issue, devoted to a career in statistics, includes articles written as resources for students, teachers, and statisticians.
There are many routes a statistician can take to reach an area to study. In the featured article, “Which Career Path Will You Follow?,” Amstat News asked a few ASA members to answer questions about the paths they took to get where they are today.
Another featured piece, written by Philip R. Scinto, gives us advice about how to prepare for a career as an applied industry statistician in analytics.
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a freelance consultant? Paul Teetor offers a few recommendations for anyone considering freelancing.
Ever wonder what a statistician does all day? In “So, How Was Your Day,” three ASA members give us a glimpse into their work day.
If there is an article you would like to see or a statistician you would like to read about in next year’s career issue, send your suggestions to the managing editor, Megan Murphy, at
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