In celebration of our 175th anniversary, we will have a talent show and competition to honor the study and practice of statistics creatively. Each of the acts below will perform its original song at 9:00 p.m. on August 5 at JSM in Boston:
Almost Shirley
The Imposteriors
Fifth Moment Band
Jami Jackson
The acts were chosen through a competition held earlier this year. Members of the 175th steering committee carefully reviewed each talent entry for originality, creativity, and its adherence to a statistical theme. Almost Shirley played on common statistical terms to explain their love for their statistically ‘significant other.’ The Imposteriors connected the world of statistics to the beat of “Pretty Woman.” Fifth Moment used their energy and creativity to explain the rules of data, and Jami Jackson sang about her love of statistics.
Members of the audience will be given a chance to vote for the Grand Prize winner during the 175th Anniversary Celebration. The winner will receive a package that includes a one-year membership in the ASA, an ASA T-shirt, a $20 gift certificate to the ASA Marketplace, an ASA logo neck wallet, and a 175th anniversary logo pen.
Committee members also chose an honorable mention, Lawrence Mark Lesser, for best online submission. He will receive a gift certificate for his submission of an original performance that connected statistics education outreach and the Texas Lottery.
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