Faculty applications are now being accepted for the Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences Program, or PIC Math. The program prepares undergraduate mathematical science students for industrial careers and offers them a chance to work on real problems from business, industry, and government.
Each faculty participant will assemble a team of three to five students and work with them to develop their problemsolving, teamwork, and communication skills. PIC Math provides faculty with $5,000 and content for a semester-long, credit-bearing course. The program includes a three-day summer workshop.
The application deadline is March 31, prior to the summer faculty training workshop. Faculty applicants will submit the following:
- An application form
- A one-page statement of interest
- A letter of support from chair or dean
Program details are available at the Mathematical Association of America’s PIC Math website.
Support for this program is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant DMS-1345499), along with the Mathematical Association of America and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
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