Applications are now being accepted for the PalEON project grad student and post-doc summer course: Assimilating Long-term Data into Ecosystem Models. The course will take place August 17-23 at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center in Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin.
The application deadline is February 15, 2014.
The PaleoEcological Observatory Network (PalEON) team offers this hands-on course to 20 graduate students and researchers for training to collect and integrate paleoecological data into modern ecosystem models using Bayesian data assimilation techniques. Course participants will be a mix of biologists, ecosystem modelers, and statisticians. Statisticians will develop skills in using statistical models for large-scale environmental research and will interact extensively with biologists and earth system scientists.
Course fees, room, and board are funded through an NSF grant, but participants must provide travel to Chicago, Illinois, or Madison, Wisconsin. See the course flyer for application details.
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