Upcoming Workshops and Meetings for Young Researchers

July 18–21: The Fourth International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies (IWSM), Athens, Georgia

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from all areas within sequential methodologies. The conference will be held at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education.

August 22–23: Symposium on Advances in Statistical Methods for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology, New York, New York

This two-day symposium is intended to bring together leading experts, junior researchers, and graduate students working on statistical methodologies with applications to cancer genetic epidemiology studies to discuss contemporary analytic issues, exchange ideas, stimulate collaboration, and promote the use of novel statistical methods in the general cancer research community.

September 23–27: Summer School on R, Vorau, Austria

The goal of this summer school is to learn more about the features of R that will help analyze more complex data. This IASC-ERS Summer School on R is intended for PhD students, junior researchers, lecturers at universities, and professionals working in industry. Participants are expected to have a good background in statistics and a strong interest in statistical computing.


July 11–13: International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) Conference, Riverside, California

This conference will address advances in statistics, biostatistics, and probability and their application areas by bringing together national and international researchers, professionals, educators, and students from academia, industry, government, and research institutes to discuss major issues and challenges and share the latest developments.