Q&P Seeks Applicants for Travel Award

Students in statistics programs across the country can benefit greatly from participating in statistical conferences and other professional activities. To aid these students in their involvement, The ASA Quality and Productivity Section (Q&P) initiated a student scholarship program to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings. This year, five $400 scholarships were awarded to students to attend JSM in Miami Beach, Florida. Numerous applications were received and we congratulate the following winners: Fadel Megahed, Matthias Tan, Ye Tian, Amanda McCracken, and Gary Mercado.

Looking forward to 2012, Q&P will offer up to three travel awards of $400 each for students enrolled in a graduate program with a concentration in applied statistics and/or quality management to attend JSM in San Diego, California. The student applicants must have a demonstrated interest in quality applications, as evidenced by course work, research topic, or work experience. Applicants either presenting a paper or participating in a poster session will receive extra consideration. Contact David Edwards at dedwards7@vcu.edu with questions or to request an application. Applications will be accepted February 1 to March 31, 2012.