Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
master’s degree Archive
What to Ask About Graduate School in Biostatistics
When Simon Couch began applying to graduate school, he found he was only able to learn about some parts of the process through office hours, personal meetings, and social media messaging, so he decided to compile some of what he learned to help others apply.
Do Pharmaceutical Statisticians Need a Master’s Degree?
The vast majority of pharmaceutical companies and clinical research organizations ask for a master’s degree in statistics when hiring statisticians, but is it really necessary, or are other credentials also acceptable?
Ellis R. Ott Scholarship
ASQ’s statistics division is offering $7,500 scholarships to support students enrolled in a master’s degree or higher program with a concentration in applied statistics and/or quality management.
Lessons from 34 Years as a Master’s Statistician in Industry
Nestor Rohowsky tells you how you can be a master’s-level statistician and do well for yourself.
Lingzi Lu Memorial Award
The Lingzi Lu Memorial Award supports the studies of dedicated people in master’s programs in statistics or who have recently earned their master’s degree in statistics.