
The American Statistical Association (ASA) offers a host of resources to help with research and advance your education. Below is a list of links to help you find what you are looking for.


    Webinars—Web-based distance training allows busy statisticians to tune into presentations on a wide range of topics.


    Journals and Magazines—From our technical journals to our general-interest magazines, there is something for everyone with an interest in statistics.
    JSM Proceedings—A collection of papers and posters presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings and other meetings sponsored by the ASA.

Student Opportunities

    Student Chapters—ASA student chapters provide opportunities for students to connect with other students interested in statistics and interact with prominent statisticians locally and at national meetings.
    Awards and Scholarships—ASA scholarships provide support for students studying statistics and related subjects. Travel awards provide funding for students to attend ASA-sponsored meetings.

Career Boosters

    Fellowships and Grants—The ASA collaborates with organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Science Foundation, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Association for Computing Machinery, American Mathematical Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Association of America, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics to offer opportunities for research and targeted work experiences.
    ASA JobWeb—Statistics and data science job postings for jobs in government, industry, and academia.
    Accreditation—Accreditation testifies that there is a body of knowledge known as statistics acquired through formal education, work experience, and ongoing professional development activities. The ASA offers two levels: PStat® is full accreditation; GStat is an entry level of accreditation.


    Meetings—The ASA offers seven regular meetings for a variety of audiences within the statistics and data science fields that allow people to exchange ideas, network, and build relationships.
    ASA Community—This is the place to find like-minded statisticians and data scientists, ask questions, make connections, and post news.

Additional Resources