The Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, and Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association recently announced the results of their 2024 student paper competition. The following students each won a $1,000 subsidy to present their papers at a 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings topic-contributed session:
- Priyanjali Bukke
- Yanghyeon Cho
- Jessica Kunke
- Jonathan Mendelson
- Mateo Dulce Rubio
Additionally, the following students made honorable mention:
- Zhanyu Wang
- Shuozhi Zuo
The winners are anticipated to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings, present their work, and participate in the section’s business meetings to receive their awards.
Darcy Steeg Morris from the Government Statistics Section, Chris Moriarity from the Survey Research Methods Section, and Maria Cuellar from the Social Statistics Section served as reviewers.
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