Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
Washington DC Archive
Become a Science and Technology Policy Fellow
Each year, the program adds to a growing corps of more than 4,000 policy-savvy leaders working across academia, government, nonprofits, and industry to serve the world.
WSS Offers Travel Award for Student in DC Area
The student travel award is offered to a student who is studying statistics, survey methodology, or a related field.
#undergradsatJSM: Why Undergraduate Students Belong at the Joint Statistical Meetings
Jana Asher and Woosuk Kim shepherded six undergraduate students to this year’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Washington, DC. Read what the students had to say about their experiences.
JSM Has Much in Store for Students
Are you an ASA student member who is thinking about attending the Joint Statistical Meetings? This year, we head to the nation’s capital, where you will find many opportunities to learn, network with other statisticians and data scientists, and get more involved in the association.
ASA Science Policy Fellow Highlights Position, Encourages Applications
Current ASA Science Policy Fellow Daniel Elchert reflects on this unique fellowship and its many benefits.