Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
government Archive
Applications Sought for Postdoctoral Research Program
The US Census Bureau offers a postdoctoral program that provides research opportunities compatible with bureau interests.
Census Bureau Offers Postdoctoral Research Programs
Postdoctoral research positions are awarded to those who are in the process of receiving a doctoral degree at the time of application or who have held a doctorate for fewer than six years.
Nominations Open for Norwood Award
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biostatistics is accepting nominations for the Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences.
How to Participate in the Career Service as a Candidate
The JSM Career Service gets your profile and résumé in front of top statistical employers from industry, government, and academia.
Applications Wanted for Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship
Awarded jointly by the ASA’s Government Statistics and Social Statistics sections, this scholarship encourages promising young statisticians to consider a career in government statistics.
Become a Science Technology Policy Fellow
The AAAS Science Technology Policy Fellow will serve a year-long assignment in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government in Washington, DC.
Federal Statistical Agency Employees Tell Why You Should Want Their Jobs
We asked federal statistical agency leaders and employees why students and young professionals should work at their agencies. They responded enthusiastically with inside looks at their jobs and the agencies they work for.
Career Development Panel: Early Data Science Careers and the Job Search Process
The ASA’s Committee on Career Development will host a panel of representatives from industry, academia, and the government to talk about possible career paths in statistics and data science, as well as provide tips and insights on the job search and application process.
Award Provides Support for Work Toward Government Statistics Career
The Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship is intended to encourage young statisticians to consider a career in government service.
Senior Research Fellowships Available from BLS, BEA
The ASA, in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis under a grant from the National Science Foundation, is offering senior research fellow programs for 2021.