Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
communication Archive
Competition Open for Statistical Excellence Award for Early-Career Writing
The competition asks early-career statisticians and data scientists to use data and statistics to tell stories about politics, health, crime, education, industry, environment, or entertainment.
Communication in Statistics and Data Science
Power skills like communication are key in cross-disciplinary and collaborative professional settings. Here, the ASA offers two resources for communication in statistics and data science.
Thriving as a Master’s-Level Statistician
Jennifer Thompson and Heather Kopetskie offer strategies to help navigate—and develop—your career with a master’s degree.
2019 Internships
Many companies are looking for 2019 interns. From this list, you will see there is something for everyone—from positions at pharmaceutical companies to a summer spent studying at media organizations nationwide. If you are interested in improving your programming techniques, making connections, or honing your data analysis skills, apply for one of these opportunities.
On Biostatistics, Alan Alda, and Being Mission Driven
A winter storm and a workshop helped Sandy Griffith see the link between her career as a biostatistician and communicating the mission of her work to non-scientists.
Become a Successful Statistician in a Collaborative Research Environment
Statisticians often work in a highly collaborative research environment that requires the skills needed to work on a team with nonstatisticians, though those important skills are often not taught in classrooms.
Five Essentials to Rock Your Interview
2016 Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference speakers Ji-Hyun Lee and Jessica Kohlschmidt talk about five essentials you need to rock your next job interview.
Communicating Statistics to Nonstatisticians
It is not uncommon to have taken one or no courses that focus on communicating statistical knowledge to those who can benefit from it. In other words, many of us leave school with little understanding of how to put our skills into effective practice.
Classroom to Collaboration: Tips for a Successful Transition
As a student, you may anticipate differences between practicing statistics in the classroom and the real world, but the reality can be overwhelming, and Brittney Bailey has some tips to ease this transition from student to collaborator.
Explaining Advanced Analytics to Company Directors
Dan Smith offers tips on how to translate complex ideas to company leaders who have no idea what you’re talking about.