Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
workshop Archive
StatFest 2017 Will Be Held in Atlanta
StatFest 2017—a free one-day event aimed at encouraging undergraduate students from under-represented groups to consider graduate studies and careers in the statistical sciences—will be held September 23 in Atlanta, Georgia.
JSM 2017 Mixers and Events
JSM 2017 in Baltimore features several events and mixers to guide you through the largest annual gathering of statisticians and data scientists in the world.
SAMSI to Host Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students
Graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and computational science: Apply now for SAMSI’s Industrial Math/Stat Modeling workshop.
Successful JSM Mentoring Workshop Gives Participants Much to Say
With last year’s hugely successful Mentoring Workshop set to return at JSM 2016, Erin Tanenbaum shares comments from workshop attendees and a table leader.
Diversity Workshop, Mentoring Program Planned for JSM
Applications are being accepted for the JSM Diversity Workshop and Mentoring Program, which brings minority statisticians together with senior statisticians and faculty in a structured program at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings.
Review and Edit, Writing Workshops Planned for JSM
Two workshops designed for new researchers to develop capabilities for research publication are planned for JSM 2016 in Chicago.
Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students Planned
Graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and computational science are encouraged to apply for the Industrial Math/Stat Modeling workshop hosted by the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Science Institute.
SAMSI to Hold Spring Workshop for Women in Math Sciences
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior researchers and professionals in the mathematical sciences are encouraged to register for the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute Spring Opportunities Workshop for Women in Math Sciences.
Recruiting Workshop Allows for Discussion of Best Practices
Recruiting and Retaining Graduate Students in the Statistical Sciences and Applied Mathematics” was the title of an interactive workshop June 5–6 at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Biostatistics Methodology Training for Clinical Trials in Imaging
Applications are being accepted for a PhD-level biostatistician interested in conducting methodological or collaborative research in radiology/imaging clinical trials to attend a workshop in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 10–16, 2015.