Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
undergraduate Archive
Fellowships Offered for Women in Science, Technology Fields
The American Association of University Women offers fellowships for women who intend to pursue a full-time course of study in mathematics/statistics, computer/information sciences, engineering, or architecture.
Pros, Cons, and Neutrals of Graduate School
George Rodriguez offers pros, cons, and neutrals on advanced degrees and ultimately comes down on the side of pursuing additional educational opportunities.
Submissions Open December 1 for Chambers Award
This is an annual prize for statistical software written by, or in collaboration with, an undergraduate or graduate student. Submit your work by December 15, 2021, to be eligible for a $2,000 prize.
Deadline Nears for Undergraduate Class Project Competition
Submit your research projects happening in summer/fall 2021 by December 22, 2021.
Data Science Competition Attracts Talent from UGA
The first data science competition hosted by the department of statistics at the University of Georgia attracted 96 students, with 10 undergraduate teams and 16 graduate teams. Most teams had students from multiple disciplines, making the competition truly interdisciplinary.
What to Ask About Graduate School in Biostatistics
When Simon Couch began applying to graduate school, he found he was only able to learn about some parts of the process through office hours, personal meetings, and social media messaging, so he decided to compile some of what he learned to help others apply.
INFORMS Student Paper Prize Applicants Sought
The INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize recognizes papers by promising students who are looking for an academic or industrial career. The award includes a cash prize of $3,000 and a citation certificate.
StatFest Back for 21st Year in 2021
StatFest 2021 is a free conference over two half days aimed at encouraging BIPOC undergraduates to pursue careers or graduate studies in the statistical and data sciences. This year’s event will take place virtually September 18–19.
Prospective Teacher Scholarships Available
Apply for NCTM’s Mathematics Education Trust scholarship.
Students Uncertain but Hopeful About Future
College students face an uncertain future as 2021 begins and much remains unknown about how COVID-19 will continue to affect the economy and education.