Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
summer Archive
2019 Internships
Many companies are looking for 2019 interns. From this list, you will see there is something for everyone—from positions at pharmaceutical companies to a summer spent studying at media organizations nationwide. If you are interested in improving your programming techniques, making connections, or honing your data analysis skills, apply for one of these opportunities.
Student Applications Wanted for ASA/AAAS Mass Media Fellowship
ASA and AAAS together offer a mass media fellowship for interested students. Applications for this one-of-a-kind experience are being accepted until January 15.
SAMSI to Offer Optimization Program Summer School
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute is offering a summer school program that will introduce graduate students and early-career researchers in the mathematical and statistical sciences to the mathematical and statistical approaches in pptimization and their applications.
Learn Survey Research Techniques in the 2016 Summer Institute
The Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques will offer courses and workshops on many aspects of survey research from June 6–July 29.
Annual Internship Listing
Every year, a list of internship opportunities for students is published in the membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, Amstat News. That list is included here, and additional internships will be posted as received on the ASA education website.
Summer Statistics and Methodology Programs
Alan Reifman, human development and family studies professor at Texas Tech University, compiles a list of summer programs every year for statistics students.
SAMSI/Sandia Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute/Sandia summer school on uncertainty quantification will take place June 20-24, 2011, and expose […]