Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
students Archive
Submission Open for Undergraduate Class Project Competition
This competition is for undergraduate students who conduct class projects as part of an introductory or intermediate statistics or data science course. Submit by June 21.
Joint Statistical Meetings a Learning Hub for Undergraduate Students
An undergraduate student’s first time attending the meetings can be intimidating, so Jana Asher offers advice for making the most of it.
Nominations Being Accepted for 2025 Morgan Prize
Nominate an undergraduate student or students for outstanding research in mathematics by May 31.
The Scoop on Data Journalism
Writer and journalist Naila Moreira and data scientist Ben Baumer discuss their hands-on data journalism course at Smith College that focuses on journalistic practices, using data as a source, and interpreting results in context.
Predict 5 Creators Give Behind-the-Scenes View
Three dedicated ASA members have organized a unique contest for Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month designed to engage high-school, undergraduate, and graduate students.
ASA Pride Scholarship Nominations Open
Apply by March 31 for this opportunity, which raises awareness and supports the success of LGBTQ+ statisticians and data scientists, as well as allies.
Applications Sought for Census Bureau Fellowship Program
The program offers opportunities for dissertation research that relates to planning, collecting, processing, analyzing, making inferences, and disseminating data and data products.
Census Bureau Offers Postdoctoral Research Programs
Postdoctoral research positions are awarded to those who are in the process of receiving a doctoral degree at the time of application or who have held a doctorate for fewer than six years.
Discover the Benefits of Joining an ASA Student Chapter
Getting involved with an ASA student chapter allows students to cultivate connections with like-minded students, faculty, and professionals in the statistics and biostatistics community.