Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
section Archive
Applications Due for Mary G. and Joseph Natrella Scholarship
The scholarship will support the participation of two students at the Quality and Productivity Research Conference.
Mentoring Resources Available
The ASA’s Biopharmaceutical Section provides hands-on resources for mentors and mentees to facilitate their interactions.
Biometrics Section Invites Submissions for Early-Career Paper Awards
Travel award winners will receive $1,000. The author of the best overall paper will be awarded the David P. Byar Early Career Award and receive $2,000.
Joining an ASA Chapter or Section Is Easier Than Ever
With a few clicks, you can add section and chapter membership and pay online.
Call for Proposals: Postdoctoral Career-Development Opportunities
The ASA Biometrics Section invites applications for funding to support career-development efforts for assistant professors or associate/full professors interested in moving into a new research area. A one-page application is due February 15.
Young Investigator Award
The ASA’s Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences Section is accepting nominations for their Young Investigator Award.
Applications Sought for Travel Award
The Survey Research Methods Section offers a student travel award for students in any terminal degree program in statistics, survey methodology, or allied survey research disciplines.
List of Mixers to Visit at the Joint Statistical Meetings
Planning on attending the Joint Statistical Meetings this year in Montréal? Here is a quick list of mixers you don’t want to miss.