Tag Archives: Section on Quality and Productivity

Section on Quality and Productivity Archive

  • The Quality and Productivity Section of the ASA recently awarded two Mary G. and Joseph Natrella Scholarships during the 2013 Quality and Productivity Research Conference.

    2013 Natrella Scholarship Award Winners Announced

    The Quality and Productivity Section of the ASA recently awarded two Mary G. and Joseph Natrella Scholarships during the 2013 Quality and Productivity Research Conference.

  • The Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality is offering several grants for early career industrial statisticians to attend the 56th Fall Technical Conference. The grants include the cost of registration, meals (up to $50), and lodging.

    Early Career Grants

    The Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality is offering several grants for early career industrial statisticians to attend the 56th Fall Technical Conference. The grants include the cost of registration, meals (up to $50), and lodging.