Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
Q&P Archive
Two Chosen for 2021 Natrella Scholarship Awards
The winners of the Mary G. and Joseph Natrella Scholarship Award are Minhee Kim and Siddhesh Kulkarni.
Q&P Awards Scholarships to Help Students Attend JSM
The ASA’s Quality and Productivity Section’s student scholarship program offers support to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings.
Student Awarded Travel Scholarship, More on Tap
The ASA Quality and Productivity Section awarded a $400 scholarship to Ye Tian of Iowa State University to offset the cost of attending the 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in San Diego, California. The section will award three more for JSM 2013.
Early Career Grants
The Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality is offering several grants for early career industrial statisticians to attend the 56th Fall Technical Conference. The grants include the cost of registration, meals (up to $50), and lodging.
Q&P Seeks Applicants for Travel Award
Q&P will offer up to three travel awards of $400 each for students enrolled in a graduate program with a concentration in applied statistics and/or quality management to attend JSM in San Diego, California.