Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
Programming Archive
Certification: One Way to Transition to a Data Science Career
Roger Peng, a professor in the department of biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, answers questions about earning a certification in data science as a way to pivot into the field.
Q&A with Hope Cullers, Crystal Grant, and Smita Skrivanek
We interviewed three statisticians who strive to change the world through data. We asked them who inspired them, why they became statisticians, and how data science is changing the world.
2019 Internships
Many companies are looking for 2019 interns. From this list, you will see there is something for everyone—from positions at pharmaceutical companies to a summer spent studying at media organizations nationwide. If you are interested in improving your programming techniques, making connections, or honing your data analysis skills, apply for one of these opportunities.
Learning for a Living
When considering graduate programs in statistics, there is much to take into consideration—including learning.
CSP 2014 to Feature Mentor Matching & Career Service
CSP 2014 will provide attendees opportunities to learn new statistical methodologies and best practices in statistical analysis, design, consulting and statistical programming. This year, CSP will also provide opportunities for attendees to further their career development and to strengthen relationships in the statistical community.
Students Invited to Join Programming Community
Current and recent college students are invited to join the community of SAS Savvy Professionals.
Innovations and Best Practices for the Applied Statistician
The inaugural American Statistical Association Conference on Statistical Practice will be held February 16-18 in Orlando, Florida. Learn the latest statistical methodologies and best practices in statistical design, analysis, programming, and consulting.
Chambers Statistical Software Award Competition Announced
In 1998, the Association for Computing Machinery presented its Software System Award to John Chambers for the design and development of S. Chambers donated his award to the Statistical Computing Section to endow an annual prize for statistical software written by an undergraduate or graduate student. The prize carries an award of $500 and a substantial allowance for travel to the annual Joint Statistical Meetings, where the award will be presented.