Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
paper Archive
ASA Sections Offer Student Paper Awards
Many ASA sections sponsor student paper competitions to help gifted students with the costs of attending JSM, which also offers an opportunity for students to present their work.
Spatial Thinking Student Competition Taking Entries
The Environmental Systems Research Institute and International Statistical Institute are accepting applications for the 2022–2023 Spatial Thinking Student Competition. Entry topics may include statistics and data science or focus on areas of the economy, society, and environment.
Student Travel Grants Offered
The ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop has funding for student travel grants. Up to $500 per student, by reimbursement, is available to support students’ participation in the 2022 workshop.
Submissions Wanted for AAPOR Seymour Sudman Award
The 56th Annual Seymour Sudman Student Paper Award honors the best student paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research annual conference.
Biometrics Section Invites Submissions for Early-Career Paper Awards
Travel award winners will receive $1,000. The author of the best overall paper will be awarded the David P. Byar Early Career Award and receive $2,000.
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Invites Applications for Young Investigator Awards
The young investigator awards honor the best papers in statistics in epidemiology presented at JSM. The award is open to all current graduate students in statistics, biostatistics, and epidemiology, as well as recent graduates.
2019 Young Investigator Awards
The ASA Epidemiology Section honored six individuals with the 2019 Young Investigator Award.
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Presents 2018 Young Investigator Awards
The annual Young Investigator awards go to new researchers for the best papers in statistics in epidemiology presented at JSM.
Sections Offer Student Travel Awards
Many ASA sections sponsor student paper competitions to reward gifted students and help mitigate the cost of attending JSM.
Eighth Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition Spring Deadline Nears
The ASA and Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) announce the eighth annual Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition (USPROC).