Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
john bartko Archive
Travel Awards Available to Help Students Attend CSP
The Lingzi Lu, John Bartko, and Lester R. Curtin awards offer registration and travel support to students attending the ASA Conference on Statistical Practice.
Travel Awards Available to Help Students Attend CSP
The Lingzi Lu, John Bartko, and Lester R. Curtin awards offer registration and travel support to students attending the ASA Conference on Statistical Practice.
Travel Awards Available to Help Students Attend CSP
The Lingzi Lu, John Bartko, and Lester R. Curtin awards all offer registration and travel support to students attending the ASA Conference on Statistical Practice.
CSP Award Winners
Brittney Bailey, winner of the Lester R. Curtin award; Peng Liu, winner of the Lingzi Lu award; and Joy Liu, winner of the Bartko scholarship, will receive registration and travel support to the ASA Conference on Statistical Practice.
John Bartko Provides Scholarship to Promising Students
John Bartko has provided a scholarship so students and early-career statisticians will be able to actively participate in the professional community.