Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Archive
PhD Students: Apply for IMS Meeting Travel Award
Applications are wanted for the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lawrence D. Brown PhD Student Award. Applicants must be current PhD students at the time of applying and studying an area of statistical science, probability, or machine learning.
COPSS Honors 11 at JSM 2022
These awards are jointly sponsored by COPSS founding partner members: the American Statistical Association; Institute of Mathematical Statistics; Eastern and Western regions of the International Biometric Society; and Statistical Society of Canada.
Apply for a Tweedie New Researcher Award
This award funds travel to present the Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics New Researchers Conference.
IMS Seeks Applications for Student Award
Eligible applicants compete to be one of three speakers at an invited session as part of the IMS annual meeting. The award includes reimbursement of travel expenses and the meeting registration fee.
Tweedie New Researcher Award Accepting Nominations
The deadline to submit for this award, which funds travel to present at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) New Researchers Conference, is December 1.
Writing Workshop Planned for Junior Researchers
The National Institute of Statistical Science, American Statistical Association, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics will hold a writing workshop for junior researchers August 9 and 12 at JSM in Seattle.