Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
clients Archive
Statistical Consulting Clients: How to Get and Keep Them
If you’re a statistical consultant, or you want to be a statistical consultant, how will you build and maintain a client base? Melissa Kovacs offers six pieces of advice.
Communicating Statistics to Nonstatisticians
It is not uncommon to have taken one or no courses that focus on communicating statistical knowledge to those who can benefit from it. In other words, many of us leave school with little understanding of how to put our skills into effective practice.
Communicating with Clients
During your career as a professional statistician, you will engage with numerous clients. Here, Robert Starbuck shares the important factors you should know to work with a client successfully.
Seeing Is Believing
Jean V. Adams discusses how to pay it forward and paint a picture of a client’s data.