Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
From the Archive
American Association for the Advancement of Science Archive
ASA/AAAS Mass Media Fellowship Applications Sought
Students and postdocs interested in journalism and gaining writing experience that advances a statistical perspective can apply for the AAAS Mass Media Fellowship and spend 10 weeks with a media outlet next summer.
AAAS Wants Your E-Poster
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is accepting submissions for its 2022 student e-poster competition.
International Epidemiologist Awarded ASA/AAAS Mass Media Fellowship
Epidemiologist Jess Craig has been selected as the 2020 ASA/AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellow. She will spend this summer training as a science journalist with NPR.
Advocating for Ethical Guidelines Strengthens Statisticians, Data Analysts
Rochelle E. Tractenberg plans to spend her time as Committee on Professional Ethics chair helping the profession—and all those who engage in data analysis—understand how and why the ASA’s ethical guidelines are so important.