Applications Wanted for Annie T. Randall Innovator Award

The Annie T. Randall Innovator Award was established to recognize early-career statistical innovators across all job sectors with any level of educational attainment. The award was named in honor of Black female statistician Annie T. Randall for her pioneering career in government amid pervasive racial discrimination. Her story and legacy in statistics serve as inspiration for future generations of trailblazers. This award was established in 2020 by the ASA Biometrics Section and provides a $2,000 prize each year.


Self-nominations or nominations by someone other than the candidate are welcome. Individuals from underrepresented and historically excluded groups in statistics are encouraged to apply. Submissions are due by March 15 and should include the following:

  • Candidate résumé or CV
  • Candidate personal statement or nomination letter (1–2 pages)

These materials should be sent to Sherri Rose, award committee chair.