Committee members for the American Statistical Association Health Policy Statistics Section Achievement Awards are seeking nominations. The awards honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of statistical methods or have developed innovative statistical applications for health policy or health services research and are given to encourage research in these areas and increase awareness of the HPSS in the statistical community.
Selection Criteria
- The HPSS Mid-Career Award recognizes leaders in health policy and health services research who have made outstanding contributions through methodological or applied work. The award honors those who show promise of continued excellence at the frontier of statistical practice that advances the aims of HPSS. Candidates must be within 15 years of their terminal degree on January 1, 2025, and cannot be previous HPSS Mid-Career Award winners.
- The HPSS Long-Term Excellence Award recognizes significant contributions to health policy and health services research through mentoring and/or service that advance the aims of HPSS. Candidates must be over 15 years from their terminal degree on January 1, 2025, and cannot be previous HPSS Long-Term Excellence Award winners.
Award Recipient Responsibilities
The award recipient will provide a current photograph and general personal information. The ASA will use this information to publicize the award winners.
Application submissions open July 1. Nominations should be sent to by midnight ET on September 15 and include the following:
- A curriculum vitae
- A letter from the nominator summarizing the nominee’s credentials (not to exceed two pages)
- Optional additional independent letters from individuals other than the nominator or nominee
- Contact information for the nominee or nominator (if different)
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