ASQ Offers Grants to Offset Cost of Fall Conference

The Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality offers grants to cover the cost of registration, meals (up to $49), and lodging for students who wish to attend the Fall Technical Conference.

Travel expenses are not covered, but lunches during the conference are included. Individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible:

  • The student is an undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled in programs related to statistics or quality management
  • The student is unable to attend the conference without financial assistance

Preference will be given to candidates who are presenting work at the FTC.

Recipients are requested to serve as room monitors or other positions for a session at the conference. Additionally, student grant recipients are asked to write a brief article about their conference experience for the Statistics Division newsletter, Statistics Digest.

Applicants should email a letter of interest detailing their motivation for attending the conference and the anticipated benefits of participation with a letter of recommendation from a major professor to with FTC Student Career Grant Awards in the subject line.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through August 13.