Photo courtesy of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
StatFest participants in 2019
Editor’s Note: Due to COVID-19, dates and formats for meetings, conferences, and workshops may change. Please check event websites often for updates.
StatFest 2020 is a free one-day conference that encourages undergraduates from historically under-represented groups (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander) with quantitative interests to pursue careers or graduate studies in the statistical sciences. This year’s event will take place September 18 at Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana.
During the conference, a keynote address will highlight the speaker’s career trajectory while presentations and discussions will explore opportunities in statistics and data science across government, academia, and industry. Undergraduate students will engage in a candid Q&A with graduate student panelists that explores living as a graduate student, navigating the application process, and thriving as an aspiring researcher.
Additionally, students conducting academic research will be able to put their work on display during the poster session. StatFest will also feature ample opportunity for students to network with professionals and other students in attendance, including during an evening reception.
Travel awards will be offered to a select group of registered undergraduate students outside a 120-mile radius of Indianapolis. Preference will be given to students who participate in the poster session.
The conference is an ongoing initiative of the American Statistical Association through its Committee on Minorities in Statistics (CoMiS). The committee seeks to foster participation in statistics and data science by historically under-represented minorities and focuses much of its effort on two key programs: StatFest, a pipeline program, and the Diversity Mentoring Program, an early-career success program.
Therri Usher, StatFest planning committee chair, says “StatFest provides students from under-represented groups with not only the tools and resources to become successful in statistics and data science but also the opportunity to engage and learn from professionals with similar backgrounds who were once in their shoes.”
While the conference is free, registration is required. Visit the StatFest website for more information and to register.
Contact Adrian Coles, CoMiS chair, with questions about StatFest or to support the event.
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