Diversity Mentoring Program participants took part in JSM 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The 2020 program will be held during JSM 2020 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The 2020 Diversity Mentoring Program is celebrating 10 years of mentoring, networking, leadership and skills development, community growth, and ensuring a diverse profession. Join the program this year as it brings underrepresented students and early-career professionals together with senior statisticians.
The 2020 JSM Diversity Mentoring Program will be held during the Joint Statistical Meetings, taking place August 1–6 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This program, provided by the ASA’s Committee on Minorities in Statistics, brings together historically underrepresented minority (e.g., African/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American) statisticians and data scientists at early- to mid-career levels with senior-level statisticians and data scientists from academia, government, and the private sector. The program features one-on-one mentoring and professional development such as engaging small-group discussions and networking.
Interested students and professionals are encouraged to apply on or before May 31. Limited student travel funding support is available. Full consideration for travel funding will be given to applications received by May 31. Applications received after May 31 will be considered as space allows.
Get more information and the application, or contact Emily Butler.
Editor’s Note
Due to Covid-19, dates and formats for meetings, conferences, and workshops may change. Please check event websites often for updates.
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