Statistical Impact Competition

A drop-in information session will take place Monday, July 29, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 204 of the convention center for the Statistical Impact Competition at the Joint Statistical Meetings.

The competition will help identify areas of research, practice, or public policy in which the statistical sciences have made a substantial impact, as well as emerging domains ripe for contributions from statisticians.

Learn more, including information about dates and prizes, by attending the meeting or filling out and submitting the form to receive a formal announcement about the competition.

Impact is defined as contributions that advance science, inform public policy, and/or contribute to a world in which decisions are data-driven. Had we issued this challenge 20 years ago, the winner in the emerging domains category may have been genomics. What might it be today? And what critical role will our discipline play in it?

Using publicly available data sets, teams will submit responses to the challenge in either or both categories: significant contributions and emerging domain. Teams will submit their top suggestions in either or both categories and provide rationale for their rankings. The rationale must include the methodology and explicitly describe the data sets used in developing the ranking.

Visit Statistical Impact Competition information page for details.