Subir Ghosh, Professor of Statistics, University of California at Riverside
The International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) Conference on Research Innovations in Statistics for Health, Education, Technology, and Society was held July 11–13 at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, California. Talented young researchers and fresh PhDs attended the conference along with mid-career and senior distinguished researchers. Speakers came from academia, industry, research centers, and government organizations.
Following IISA tradition, three young (under 45) researchers were honored with the Young Researcher Award:
- Methods and Applications – Bhramar Mukherjee, University of Michigan
- Theory and Methods – Debashis Paul, University of California at Davis, and Shalabh, Indian Institute of Technology
The conference had three student paper presentation sessions for competition. Nineteen students were selected from the first round of presentations. Again, following IISA tradition, four students were selected for the Best Student Paper Award based on the quality of their work and presentation:
- Theory and Methods – Sumanta Basu, University of Michigan, and Pratima Bagchi, University of Michigan
- Methods and Applications – Subhabrata Sen, Stanford University, and Raymond Wong, University of California at Davis
The conference also had three contributed paper sessions, during which 17 students presented papers.
At the conference banquet, Tamara Broderick, a fresh PhD from the University of California at Berkeley, gave a dinner presentation and the 19 students selected from the first round of student competition also were recognized.
The complete conference program, photos, and award details can be viewed on the IISA website.
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