Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences

Robert Oster, Section Publications Officer

Officers of the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences (TSHS) Section are pleased to recognize the following JSM TSHS award winners for 2013:

  • Distinguished Achievement Award: Cynthia R. Long, Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research
  • Outstanding Teaching Award: Roger D. Vaughan, Columbia University
  • Best Contributed Paper Award: Steven C. Grambow, Duke University, for “Doctors and Data Analysis: A Dangerous Mix?”

During 2014, the section will offer the Young Investigator Award, Outstanding Teaching Award, and Best Contributed Paper Award (at JSM 2014).

The Young Investigator Award, presented annually, recognizes an outstanding young investigator (i.e., a current graduate student or someone who received a terminal degree no more than five years ago, is in a position with rank below associate professor, and does not hold tenure or its equivalent) who is the first author of an abstract submitted to the TSHS Section for JSM.

The abstract should be related to the use of effective methods in statistics education in the health sciences. For the award competition, an applicant should submit a full paper to the TSHS Section based on the abstract submitted for JSM 2014. Also included in the submission should be a cover letter, copy of the abstract, and statement of the nominee’s philosophy of teaching.

The Outstanding Teaching Award, presented annually, recognizes an outstanding statistics teacher in the health sciences and requires a formal nomination package that includes a nominating letter, curriculum vitae with particular emphasis on activities related to teaching/training, statement of the nominee’s philosophy of teaching, and three letters of reference from colleagues summarizing the nominee’s teaching/training abilities.

Details about these awards will be announced via email and posted on the TSHS website. The deadline for receipt of nominations is March 7. Winners of these awards will be notified in April and formally recognized at the TSHS business meeting and mixer at JSM 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts.