CSP 2014 to Feature Mentor Matching & Career Service

The Conference on Statistical Practice,(CSP) February 20-22, 2014 in Tampa, Florida, will feature a career placement service and mentoring program.

CSP 2014 will provide attendees opportunities to learn new statistical methodologies and best practices in statistical analysis, design, consulting and statistical programming. This year, CSP will also provide opportunities for attendees to further their career development and to strengthen relationships in the statistical community.

CSP Career Placement will connect employers and applicants so they can pursue informal meetings and interviews. Applicants who attend are able to research current job openings and contact employers they are interested in pursuing via our online system in advance of the conference.

In addition, CSP is an ideal setting for providing a mentor matching system. After registering, you will receive information in your confirmation about how to participate in this unique new program. Registrants will be given the opportunity to express interest in participating as either a mentor or mentee by way of submitting some basic information through an online Mentoring Program Interest form, the link to which will be sent to you after registering for the conference. The mentoring program leadership will match mentors and mentees based on information. Interested in participating? All you need to do is register for the conference, and we will automatically send you the program registration link. There is no cost to participate in this program. Visit the website to learn more about CSP 2014.