TSHS Accepting Applications for Young Investigator Award

The ASA Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences is accepting applications for its Young Investigator Award. Presented annually, the award recognizes an outstanding young investigator (defined as a current graduate student or having received a terminal degree no more than five years ago, being in a position with rank below associate professor, and not holding tenure or its equivalent) who is the first author of an abstract submitted to the TSHS Section for JSM 2012. The abstract should be related to the use of effective methods in statistics education in the health sciences.

For the award competition, an applicant should submit a full paper to the TSHS Section based on the abstract submitted for JSM 2012. Also included in the submission should be a cover letter, copy of the abstract, and statement of teaching philosophy.

Details will be announced via email and posted on the TSHS website. The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2012. The award winner will be notified in March of 2012 and formally recognized at the TSHS business meeting and mixer at JSM 2012 in San Diego, California.