Looking for a mentor? MentorNet is a web-based e-mentoring program for science and technology–minded students that connects them to real mentors. Through their social network, protégés are able to create individual profile pages and work with an online mentor to refine them. The profile can then be used as a resource when applying for an internship or professional work.
Founded by Carol Muller in 1997, MentorNet was established to help women engineers move into the work force. According to their website, MentorNet has since expanded to more than 70 science, engineering, and technical fields and serves all students while focusing on those who are under-represented in their chosen fields.
Hi, I have a masters degree in statistics. I was a mathermatical statistician at the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 1999 to 2005. SInce then, I have worked in decision analytics and financial forecasting. I am interested in exploring my career options.