Stat Bowl Hits the Beach at JSM 2011

Mike Anderson, The University of Texas at San Antonio

The ASA Stat Bowl will return to the Joint Statistical Meetings this year in Miami Beach, Florida.

Applications to compete are available at the Stat Bowl website. A maximum of 16 players will be allowed into the contest on a first-come, first-in basis. If the field of contestants fills to capacity, each university will be restricted to two players to ensure diversity. A waiting list will be established to fill unexpected vacancies should they occur at game time. Inquiries about the bowl or completed applications should be emailed to Michael Anderson at with “Stat Bowl” in the subject line.

The Stat Bowl is an individual competition; teams from individual institutions are not needed to play. Team points are kept by university and a team championship is awarded, but having a team is not a requirement.

As in previous years, Stat Bowl contestants will receive up to $500 in travel reimbursement from the ASA, which helps draw statistics students from across the continent to have geeky fun and experience JSM firsthand. The $500 is given to all participants, regardless of their performance in the bowl. Note that this money cannot be used to reimburse Career Placement Service costs.

Sponsors of the Stat Bowl include the American Statistical Association, ENAR, WNAR, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Society of Canada, and Mu Sigma Rho.